Asatru PHP Documentation

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You can also create custom commands that can be used via the asatru CLI tool. Command handler classes are stored in the app/commands directory and they have to be registered via the app/config/commands.php configuration script file.

For each command handler you can add an array item to the config array where the first item specifies the name of the command, the second specifies a help description text and the third item specifies the class and script name of the command handler.


return [
    array('command:name', 'This is a description', 'TestCommand'),

Then there needs to be a TestCommand.php file in the app/commands directory defining a class called TestCommand that needs to implement the Asatru\Commands\Command interface.

A command class has to at least implement the non-static handle($args) method. The argument parameter recieves an object of Asatru\Commands\Arguments that is iterable and countable. Each item is an Asatru\Commands\Argument class instance that you can use to access the actual argument. The following methods are available:


public function getValue(); //Gets the current value
public function getType(); //Gets the value type
public function isNull(); //Indicates if the value is null
public function isEmpty(); //Indicates if the value is empty

You can use the CLI tool to comfortably generate a custom command.